What to Expect With a Frenectomy

dental cleanings, Dental Exams Dental Sealants Your Spanish Speaking Pediatric Dentist Spanish Speaking Pediatric Dentist in Oxnard. BTC. General Oral Sedation for Children, Sealants, Emergency Pediatric Dentist (805) 204-2910. Beach Town Kids Dr. Elena Bedilo

When it comes to dental care, it can be overwhelming to schedule appointments with multiple specialists for various treatments for your kids. Our one-stop dental shop is the perfect solution for your whole family’s oral health needs. From routine cleanings to dental sealants, our experienced team provides comprehensive care in a comfortable and fun environment. We also offer frenectomy in Oxnard, California – a simple procedure for treating conditions such as tongue ties and speech impediments.

With our focus on keeping kids smiling with bright, healthy teeth, you can trust us to be your go-to source for top-notch dental care.

What You Need to Know Before and After the Procedure

If your child has been experiencing issues related to tongue or lip ties, you may have heard about frenectomy as a possible solution. It’s a standard dental procedure that can help improve oral health and overall well-being. And if you’re considering a frenectomy for your child, knowing what to expect before and after the procedure is essential. 

Understanding Frenectomy: Firstly, let’s discuss what a frenectomy is and when it’s needed. It’s a minor surgical procedure performed by Dr. Elena Bedilo and her team to remove the frenulum, a small piece of tissue connecting the lip or tongue to the gums. 

When the frenulum is too short, thick, or tight, it can cause issues like difficulty eating, speaking, or breastfeeding. A frenectomy can help relieve those problems by freeing up the lip or tongue movement.

Before the Procedure: Before undergoing a frenectomy, Dr. Bedilo will perform a thorough oral exam to assess your situation and determine whether or not it makes sense to perform the procedure. We will give your child instructions before the procedure, such as avoiding solid food or taking certain medications. 

During the Procedure: A frenectomy is usually a quick and simple outpatient procedure that we can do in the dental office without general anesthesia. Dr. Bedilo will numb the area with local anesthesia and then cut and remove the frenulum with a laser. Your child may feel some pressure or discomfort during the procedure, but it’s usually not painful. Afterward, Dr. Bedilo may place some stitches or prescribe some pain relievers or antibiotics.

After the Procedure: After the frenectomy, your child may experience some swelling, bleeding, or soreness in the affected area. You can use ice packs and over-the-counter pain relievers to help them relieve the discomfort. Our team will advise you on how to care for the wound and how to avoid certain foods or activities that may disrupt the healing process. You should follow those instructions carefully and attend any follow-up appointments scheduled by our team.

Results of Frenectomy: The effects of a frenectomy can vary depending on the individual case and the type of frenectomy performed. But in general, most experience significant improvements in their oral function and comfort after the procedure. For children with tongue ties, a frenectomy can also help with their speech development and overall growth. And even for adults, a frenectomy can help in maintaining good oral hygiene and preventing periodontal diseases.

Oxnard Frenectomy

A frenectomy can be a life-changing procedure for those who suffer from tongue ties or lip ties. It’s a safe and effective option that can help improve your oral health and quality of life. By understanding what to expect before and after the procedure, you can approach the frenectomy with confidence and ease. 

At Oso Pediatric Dentistry, we have experienced professionals who can guide you through the process and answer any questions you may have. Book a consultation with us today and take the first step towards a healthier, happier smile for your child.